This is my cultural homage inspired by Japanese artist Junji Ito’s manga ‘Uzumaki’.

Uzumaki (Japanese for ‘spiral’ or ’swirl’) was written and illustrated by magaka Junji Ito between 1998-1999. Uzumaki is fixated with repetitive spirals, which curses the town of Kurouzu-cho through unnatural perversions and deformities of the environment. The townsfolk become obsessed with spirals, embodying an overbearing presence of helplessness from the spirals' inescapable corruption.

My portrait is a self-refelction on mortality, inspired by themes of cosmic horror that fuels feelings of existential dread.
I approached emulating the immersive details of Junji Ito’s illustrations through Monochrome line art, spirals, and cosmic horror themes that led to me producing an eerie, uneasy quality. I developed this through Photoshop as an animated gif that captured the true immersion and movement of spirals.